Photo By: Geoffrey Shrewsbury


Standalone analog film inversion software

Invert your images true to the film’s emulsion – regardless of your scanning method

Chemvert’s proprietary color processing helps you obtain optimal results from your scans. The intuitive combination of auto and manual controls gives you a wide range of options to bring out the best in your film, all while offering powerful tools to customize your workflow.

What started years ago as a simple tool to meet our own personal needs eventually grew into something we wanted to share with others. We–like you–want to spend our time shooting, not fighting with post tools.

– Tim, Chemvert Developer

Below is an example of Chemvert’s powerful inversion algorithm:

These are three different versions of the same 35mm 500T negative scanned on three different scanners. The close similarity highlights Chemvert’s strength in detecting and neutralizing the film rebate and any color casts imposed by different scanners.

Each image above was inverted with the same settings in Chemvert: ECN-2 Classic Engine, standard film base detect, auto exposure, and auto color.

File Type Screengrab

Chemvert Works with all modern scanning file types including:

  • TIFF File
  • Pakon RAW
  • Camera Scan
  • Noristu RAW
  • EXR File

Chemvert Digital Camera scans bypass the scanning camera’s manufacturer color matrix and tone curve to start with unaltered sensor data.

Obtain true and repeatable results from dedicated scanners like Epson flatbeds, Nikon Coolscan, Primefilm, Plustek, Minolta and more.

Pakon 16bit! This example shows a Pakon planar RAW inverted in full 16-bit with our custom Pakon-style color engine.

Kodak 5203 50D

Expired side by side

Side by side comparison of expired and severely storage-damaged Agfa XT320. The image on the left was produced by the scanner; the image on the right was saved as a RAW file and inverted with Chemvert.

Chemvert handles black and white with precision, ensuring your inversions retain the full tonal range available in the negative.

“I have a very picky eye and this software is the ONLY one, by a long shot, to get results that feel correct to me. It’s not even close.”

– Elliott T.

“Auto settings seem to perform the best of the apps I have used.”

– Hai N.

“Once my settings were dialed in I just left the batch conversion running and was able to use the photos with little need for post adjustment.”

– Paul D.

Application Features

  • Standalone – no subscriptions required
  • Full Dynaminc range without clipping data
    • Images processed in full 48bit float precision
    • Looks great with straight inversion but also suitable for additional editing in your favorite edit software
  • Custom built color engines for popular scanners and film types such as:
    • Motion Picture film stocks
    • Pakon, Frontier, and Noritsu colors
  • Auto Exposure, Color, and Contrast tools
    • Get great images with a few clicks
    • Ability to make additional adjustments on top of the auto results
    • Optionally lock auto results to apply those settings to additional images
  • Custom Film Stock Preset builder
    • A powerful option when you want maximum consistency and control
    • Allows you to establish a consistent result for your specific workflow on a per-stock basis
    • Calibrate and repeat your results, regardless of each image’s content
  • Multi-Image Sampling for consistent results across a folder of images
    • Evaluates a folder of images together and applies the same exposure, color, and contrast to each image
  • Individual or batch processing
  • Available multi-threaded image processing
  • Works with negative and positive films in both color and black and white
  • Minilab Mode for semi-automated workflow including auto preset application
  • Compatible with Elgato Stream Deck
  • Detect and remove film borders or edges, ignore borders when processing, create lens profiles for camera scanning, and more…

Chemvert is inversion software, designed to return the maximum usable data in a pleasing final image – after you have scanned your film with a separate scanning utility. In most cases we expect Chemvert to deliver the results you desire. However, in some instances you may wish to edit further with your editor of choice. In those cases Chemvert inversions remain an excellent starting point for retaining maximum image data.

Specific Benefits For:

  • Bypass camera manufacturer color processing
    • Other image editors apply a color matrix and contrast curve that changes your negatives on a base level.
    • Chemvert extracts the true RAW unprocessed linear data, allowing you full control from the sensor to the final image without bias.
  • Automatically detect film edges
    • Optionally remove scanning masks and film borders automatically without having to manually crop.
  • Ignore image borders for color processing
    • Optionally keep perforations and borders in your final scan without them throwing off the final results.
  • Custom Camera Profiling
    • Determines optimal White Balance for your camera’s sensor.
  • Custom Lens Profiling
    • Neutralize vignetting from your scans, whether from the lens, light source, or both.
  • Remove Scan Distortion
    • Account for distortion caused by the lens or curled film, specific to your setup.
  • Faithful inversions regardless of scanner manufacturer
    • All scanners have different light sources and apply their own color matrix and contrast curve. Chemvert neutralizes these and lets you start with the raw data.
    • Reveal the true color information from your negatives without scanner bias.
  • Natural looking colors while retaining sprocket holes
    • Optionally keep perforations and borders in your final scan without them throwing off the final results.
  • No need to make critical color edits while scanning
    • Scan all your images with one setting and invert them in Chemvert, speeding up your workflow while maximizing results.
  • Work with Tiff or Raw DNG negatives
  • Native RAW File Support
    • Drag and drop your RAW files right into Chemvert and start working.
    • No scripting or terminal commands required.
    • Auto Resolution Detection
  • 16 Bit Tiff output
    • Finally Pakon 16 bit inversion directly from RAW files
  • Built-in Pakon Style Color Engine
    • We’ve engineered a Pakon-style color emulation getting you closer than ever to the native Pakon look with 16 bit output.
  • Slides! Get great colors from your RAW slide scans – no more washed out colors
  • Pakon Scans work great in our Custom Film Stock Preset builder

Sample Gallery